Personal Injury Lawyers • Portland and Waterville, ME

Portland Maine Truck Accident Lawyers

Our personal injury attorneys never back down

Cargo truck leaning into damaged guard rail after truck accidentThroughout Maine, passenger cars share the roads with trucks hauling freight, making pick-ups and deliveries, transporting hazardous materials, collecting garbage and performing countless other activities. The size mismatch is obvious, and an accident can leave you seriously injured. You need an experienced truck accident attorney to fight for your rights.

At Jabar LaLiberty, LLC, we know the impact a truck accident can have on victims. They can suffer broken bones, burns and injuries to the head, neck and back. More severe injuries include traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injuries. Recovery can take months. Some people never fully recover and are left with a permanent disability.

There are different types of truck collisions. They include jackknife accidents, rollover accidents and underride accidents. They can be caused by negligence from drivers or trucking companies. In some cases, a crash may have been caused by defective brakes, tires or mechanical parts.

Case results


Client injured as a result of collision with truck in slippery conditions. Truck’s insurance company denied liability until depositions were taken to undermine truck driver’s story.


Motorcycle-driving client collided with truck, and driver of truck and its insurer initially denied claim until we hired reconstruction to prove truck was at fault.


Client sustained shoulder and back injuries as passenger of car struck by truck.

More results

How can a personal injury attorney help with my Maine truck accident?

If you’ve been injured in a Maine truck accident, our lawyers can help. Our firm has been representing the injured since our founding in 1979. We have the experience, the legal knowledge and the resources to handle complicated truck accident cases. Our approach gets results, including a $360,000 recovery for a truck accident in slippery conditions.

Recovering compensation for injuries suffered in a truck accident begins with getting the facts of the accident straight. The sooner you begin doing that, the better. Our experienced truck accident attorneys know what evidence to look for, how to use it once it’s found, and how to stand up to the large and wealthy companies and insurance companies that are frequently involved.

Most truck accidents in Maine are caused by truck driver behavior, such as following too closely, driving too fast, or failure to yield. (Source: Maine DOT) We start by getting the facts. Our legal team conducts our own investigation of your truck accident to identify the negligent parties. We gather evidence and carefully review accident reports and other documentation. Our lawyers seek access to maintenance records, employment records, hours of service (HOS) logs and information from the truck’s event data recorder.

Driver behaviors—speeding, tailgating, ignoring road signs, etc.–can obviously cause an accident. So can a driver’s distraction, fatigue and impairment from drugs (legal or illegal), alcohol or a medical condition. Inexperience in handling a vehicle of the size and type being driven may play a role.

In other cases, a trucking company may have been negligent. They may have failed to hire qualified drivers. Or they did not maintain the truck properly or failed to make needed repairs. They may have given the driver an unrealistic delivery schedule. We check to see if all Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) were met.

What kind of compensation can I receive after a Maine truck accident?

There can be multiple parties involved in a truck accident. These include the driver, the trucking company, the truck manufacturer, parts manufacturers, the owner of the trailer and the owner of the cargo. Each can have their own lawyer and their own insurance company. Rollover truck accident on a side of the road in MaineWe can sort out liability and guide you through the claims process every step of the way.

Our lawyers also determine the total amount of damages you have suffered. This includes medical expenses for treating your injuries – both now and in the future. It also includes lost wages if you were unable to work while recovering from your injuries. It may include other damages, such as pain and suffering.

Insurance companies will fight your claim, because they know there is a lot of money at stake. We build a strong case that insurance companies can’t ignore. Many times, we are able to negotiate a settlement that meets your needs. Our attorneys are always ready to fight for you in court.

If you were hurt in a truck accident in Waterville, Portland or anywhere in Maine, learn more about how we can help. Contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced truck accident lawyers.

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    *For Personal Injury cases only